Give Yourself a Pat for Choosing SSNM!

Congratulations on choosing SSNM (E-Certificate in Sport Specific Nutrition Management) as your path to professional growth! You've made one of the finest decisions for your future success. We are thrilled to have you embark on this exciting learning journey with us. As you join our exclusive community, Team SSNM extends a heartfelt welcome to you.

Here's to an incredible adventure of learning and achievement ahead! All the Best

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I access the modules anytime during the course?

Yes! Provided you have completed the previous module and successfully cleared the assessment. Every Friday a new module will be uploaded to the site. You can access the published modules and complete them at your pace during the week. You must pass the assessment for the specified module to access the next one. All modules completed with successful assessment will be accessible to you throughout the course duration. You can hear it again as many times as you wish during the course period.

Although the course is self-paced, we recommend you allocate 2-3 hours a week to go through the modules for better comprehension.

Are the assessments difficult? What is the minimum passing cut-off?

Not really! You should not find the assessment difficult if you have listened to the modules. You need a minimum of 50% to pass the assessment. Please note that passing the assessment is a prerequisite to access the next module.

What if I fail a particular assessment?

You will get 3 attempts to clear the assessment.

Will I get the study notes?

Yes! The study material for each module will be published along with the video lectures. We recommend downloading the study material and referring to the notes while listening to the lectures. You can also make notes and jot down any additional information that your faculty shares in the video lecture. We will also provide a list of references and useful website links for extra reading. Please note that the study notes are exclusively for the paid registered participants of the course and redistributing the same to non-registered participants will be considered a copyright violation and strictly prohibited.

Will going through the study notes be enough to pass the assessment?

No! There will be information shared by the faculty in the video lectures that may or may not be included in the study notes. Hence, we recommend that you go through each video module without skipping any part of it to enable you to successfully clear the assessment.

How does this course prepare me for the challenges in the field of sports nutrition?

Very often sports nutritionists come across athletes participating in sports for which scientific guidelines do not exist. Moreover, many western guidelines are not always appropriate for Indian athletes. The SSNM course addresses these gaps and will teach you tactics to develop nutrition plans for any sport where data is lacking.

Can I work as a sports nutritionist after finishing the course?

Yes, You already have a degree in nutrition/dietetics and this course enhances your nutrition knowledge and skills in a specialized field of sports nutrition. However, we highly recommend further practical training beyond this course under an established sports nutritionist before starting on your own. To know more about our Sports Nutrition Internship Program visit